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2013年10月21日 09:02 来源:经济参考报 参与互动(0)

    JPM organ C hase,thenation’slargestbank,has reachedatentativeagreem ent w iththeJusticeD epartm ent topayarecord $13billiontoresolveallegations that it know inglysoldfaultym ortgagesecurities that contributedtothefinancial crisis,apersonfam iliar w iththe talks saidSaturday.


    T hedeal includes $4 billion to settleclaim s bytheFederal H ousingFinanceA gencythatJ.P . Morgan m isled F annieMaeandFreddieM ac about thequalityof loans it soldthem in therun-up to the2008 financialcrisis,another $4billioninconsum er relief,and $5billioninpenalties paidbythe bank,accordingtopeoplefam iliar w iththedecision.H ow theconsum errelief and penaltiesgetdispersedanddistributedis largelyuptothegovernm ent,and those details are stillunclear,these people said.



    If finalized,the deal w ouldbe the largestpenalty everpaid by a single com pany,representingatrem endous w infor thegovern-m ent afteryearsof publiccriticism overitsstruggle toholdW all Street accountable for itscrisis-era m isdeeds.


    T hegeneral term sof adeal w erestruckFridaynight inaphoneconversationbetw eenA ttorneyG eneral EricH older,his lieutenantT onyW est,J.P . M organC EO Jam es D im onandthe bank’s general counsel,StephenCut-ler,apersonfam iliarw ith them attersaid.T hetw osidescontinuedtodisagreeoveranadm ission of w rongdoingthat w ouldendthecrim inal probeanddecidedinsteadtoresolvethe civil allegations relatedtothe m ortgage securities.


    T hetentativedeal doesnot releasethebank from crim inal liabilityforsom eof them ortgages it packagedintobonds andsoldtoinvestors. T hat hadbeenam ajor stickingpointinthe discussions,but the governm ent refusedtobudgeon that issueandJPM organ felt ithadnochoicebut togivein,accordingtoasecondsource.


    T hesettlem ent is $2bn m orethan theterm sthat w erepreviouslybeingnegotiated.T he settlem ent follow s earlier talks for the bankto pay $7bn in cash and provide $4bn inconsum er relief,but those negotiations faltereddespiteM r D im ontravellingtoW ashingtontom eet inpersonw ithM r H older.


    JPM organlast w eekenum eratedits litiga-tionreserves-anenorm ous $23bn- for the firsttim e and said that“reasonable possiblelosses”ontopof that am ount w ere $5.7bn.If that entiresum w erepaid,it w ouldw ipeout the last sixquarters of profit.


    (廖冰清 编译)

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